Comforting Ghee Rice Recipe: A Delicious Delight for All Occasions

Comforting Ghee Rice
Comforting Ghee Rice

Mom’s Delightful Ghee Rice Recipe: A Comforting and Nostalgic Dish:

Ghee rice is a simple yet delicious dish that brings back fond memories of home-cooked meals. This recipe combines the richness of ghee, the sweetness of caramelized onions, and the earthy flavor of cumin seeds, all infused into a bowl of leftover cooked rice. Not only is it a delightful addition to any meal, but ghee rice also offers several benefits. In this recipe, I’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of creating this comforting dish.

Ghee rice holds a special place in my heart, as it is a recipe passed down from generation to generation in my family. Whenever I think about my childhood, memories of my mom preparing this delightful dish flood my mind. It was her way of showering me with love and care, especially when I was feeling unwell or needed a comforting meal after a long day.


  • 2 tablespoons of ghee
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • 1 bowl of leftover cooked rice
  • Salt to taste


Step 1: Preparing the Kadai :

Take a kadai or a wide-bottomed pan and place it over medium heat. Add the ghee and allow it to heat up. As the ghee starts to melt and become slightly hot, you’ll be greeted by its enticing aroma, which is the first sign of the deliciousness to come.

Step 2: Sautéing the Onion:

Once the ghee is heated, add the finely chopped onion to the kadai. Stir the onions gently and let them cook until they turn a beautiful golden brown color. The sizzling sound and sweet fragrance of caramelizing onions will remind you of the love and care that goes into every homemade meal.

Step 3: Adding Cumin Seeds:

Next, sprinkle the cumin seeds into the kadai with the onions. Saute them for a brief moment until they release their fragrant aroma. The earthy essence of cumin seeds will infuse the dish, adding depth and complexity to the flavors.

Step 4: Mixing in the Cooked Rice:

Now, it’s time to add the star of the show: the leftover cooked rice. Gently pour the rice into the kadai and mix it well with the caramelized onions and cumin seeds. The grains of rice will absorb the ghee and onion flavors, creating a symphony of tastes with each bite.

Step 5: Seasoning with Salt :

To enhance the flavors further, add salt according to your taste preferences. Remember to consider that the leftover rice may already have some salt, so adjust accordingly. Give the rice a good toss, ensuring that the salt is evenly distributed throughout the dish.

Step 6: Dish Out and Enjoy :

Once the ghee rice is well mixed and seasoned to perfection, it’s time to dish it out. Serve it hot on a plate or in a bowl, savoring the inviting aroma that emanates from the dish. The combination of the golden-brown onions, earthy cumin seeds, and fluffy rice will make your taste buds dance with joy.

Personal Touch:

I have fond memories of my mom preparing ghee rice for me whenever I was feeling under the weather. The aroma of onions cooking in ghee would fill the kitchen, instantly making me feel better. It’s amazing how food can hold such sentimental value and bring back cherished moments. Though my mom is no longer with me, making this quick rice always brings her memory alive in my heart.

As I take my first bite of ghee rice, I’m transported back to those tender moments when my mom prepared this dish for me. It’s incredible how food has the power to evoke such strong emotions and memories. Each mouthful is not just a taste of deliciousness, but also a reminder of my mom’s love and care.

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