Quick and Delicious Vermicelli Upma: A Flavorful Breakfast Delight In 15 Minutes!

Flavorful Vermicelli Upma
Flavorful Vermicelli Upma

Morning Magic: 15-Minute Vermicelli Upma Recipe for Busy Mornings!

Are you on the lookout for a scrumptious yet speedy breakfast option that will keep you fueled up all morning? Well, look no further than this mouthwatering recipe for Vermicelli Upma. In just 15 minutes, you can whip up a plateful of this aromatic, savory goodness that’ll leave your taste buds dancing with joy. Not only is it a treat for your senses, but it’s also packed with essential nutrients to kick-start your day on the right note.


  • 2 tsp ghee (clarified butter)
  • 1 tbsp mixed urad dal and mustard seeds
  • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp chana dal (split chickpeas)
  • 3 green chilies, finely chopped (adjust to taste)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 bowl roasted vermicelli (approximately 1 cup)
  • 2 cups water
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1/2 tsp Maggi masala (or your favorite spice mix)
  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped, for garnish


Step 1: Sizzle and Sauté

Let’s get the party started! Place a pan on medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of ghee. Allow it to warm up slightly – you’ll start to smell that irresistible aroma. Now, toss in a tablespoon of your mixed urad dal and mustard seeds combo, and listen to the delightful crackling sound. It’s like a mini kitchen symphony! Sprinkle in 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds and a teaspoon of chana dal for an added crunch.

Step 2: Spice It Up

Picture this: the kitchen is filled with the enticing scent of sizzling spices. It’s time to bring on the heat with 3 finely chopped green chilies. If you’re all about that spicy life, feel free to add more – you’re the boss of your breakfast! And now, it’s onion time. Toss in those finely chopped onions and let them sizzle away until they turn a gorgeous golden brown.

Step 3: Vermicelli Unveiled

Time to introduce the star of the show – our roasted vermicelli. Measure out a bowlful, roughly around a cup, and gently slide it into the pan. Give everything a good stir to coat the vermicelli with all those incredible flavors. Imagine the vermicelli soaking up all that aromatic goodness – it’s like a flavor bath!

Step 4: The Splash and Season

Here comes the magic potion – 2 cups of water join the party. Sprinkle in salt to taste, and for that extra oomph, add 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite masala – I’m going with Maggi masala because it’s like a little packet of happiness. Give everything a final stir and watch the mixture come to a gentle simmer.

Step 5: Cover and Cook (with a Dash of Patience)

Cover the pan with a lid and let the Vermicelli Upma work its magic. While it’s cooking, take a moment to appreciate the delightful aroma wafting through your kitchen. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent any sticking. We want those vermicelli strands to be perfectly tender and infused with all the flavors.

Step 6: A Touch of Green

The moment of truth – remove the lid and behold your masterpiece! Your Vermicelli Upma is now ready to be showered with a handful of freshly chopped coriander leaves. Not only does it add a burst of color, but it also brings a lovely freshness to the dish that’ll make your taste buds tingle with anticipation.

In Conclusion:

And there you have it – a plateful of heaven that you whipped up in just 15 minutes! This Vermicelli Upma is a celebration of flavors, a burst of nutrients, and a testament to the fact that a delicious breakfast doesn’t have to take hours to prepare. So, the next time you’re in a rush but still craving something spectacular, remember this recipe. It’s like a warm, comforting hug for your taste buds – and they deserve nothing less! Enjoy your flavorful breakfast, dear foodies. Until next time, happy cooking and even happier eating! 🍽️

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