Soulful Masoor Dal Khichdi: A Comforting Delight for Your Palate in 15 minutes!!!

Delicious Masoor Dal Khichdi
Delicious Masoor Dal Khichdi

Comforting Masoor Dal Khichdi: A Hearty Delight to Satisfy Your Cravings:

There’s something inherently comforting about a warm, flavorful bowl of khichdi. It’s a dish that has been cherished in Indian households for generations, offering both nourishment and satisfaction. One such version is the Masoor Dal Khichdi, a delightful combination of red lentils, rice, and aromatic spices. This recipe not only tickles your taste buds but also provides a wholesome and balanced meal. Join me on a culinary journey as we prepare this heartwarming dish together.


  • 2 tbsp ghee
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 green chilies, chopped
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 5 cloves
  • 3 cardamoms
  • 1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
  • 2 potatoes, cut into cubes
  • 1 cup peas
  • 1 cup masoor dal (red lentils)
  • 1 cup rice
  • 3 cups water
  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat Things Up: Let’s get started! Place a kadai on the stovetop and add the ghee. Once the ghee is slightly heated, add the chopped onions, green chilies, bay leaf, cinnamon stick, cloves, cardamoms, ginger-garlic paste, and sauté them well. Allow the mixture to cook until the onions turn translucent and release a heavenly aroma.
  2. Add the Vegetables: Now it’s time to add the cubed potatoes and peas to the kadai. Stir them well, ensuring that the ghee and spices coat the vegetables evenly. As you mix, sprinkle a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors. The combination of potatoes and peas adds a delightful texture and vibrant color to our khichdi.
  3. Unite the Grains: Next, add the masoor dal (red lentils) and rice to the kadai. Mix everything together, allowing the lentils and rice to mingle with the aromatic base and vegetables. Feel free to admire the beautiful blend of colors dancing in the kadai.
  4. The Essential Liquid: Now, pour in the water, ensuring it covers the grains and vegetables completely. Give it a gentle stir, allowing all the ingredients to come together harmoniously. This perfect balance of water ensures a well-cooked and tender khichdi.
  5. Lock and Cook: Place the lid securely on the kadai and turn the heat to high. Let the pressure build up, and once you hear three whistles, reduce the heat to low. Allow the khichdi to simmer for two more whistles on low heat. This cooking method ensures that the flavors infuse beautifully, resulting in a delectable blend.
  6. The Moment of Anticipation: Now, turn off the heat and patiently wait for the pressure to subside. Allow the cooker to sit undisturbed until the pressure releases naturally. As the tantalizing aromas fill your kitchen, take a moment to inhale the comforting scents. The anticipation builds as you know something truly delicious is about to be unveiled.
  7. Unveiling the Goodness: Once the pressure has completely subsided, carefully remove the lid of the pressure cooker. As you lift the lid, a cloud of fragrant steam escapes, revealing a perfectly cooked Masoor Dal Khichdi. Take a moment to appreciate the sight before you—a harmonious blend of lentils, rice, and vegetables, each grain glistening with flavors.
  8. Serve with Love: Now it’s time to plate up your creation and share it with your loved ones. Using a serving spoon, gently transfer the Masoor Dal Khichdi into a beautiful serving dish. The generous aroma fills the air, further igniting the appetites of all those fortunate enough to be present. The vibrant colors and inviting textures of the dish are a feast for the eyes.
  9. Add Your Personal Touch: As you prepare to serve the Masoor Dal Khichdi, consider adding your own personal touch. Perhaps you have a favorite raita recipe or a special homemade curry that complements this dish perfectly. Prepare your preferred accompaniment and place it lovingly beside the khichdi. These additional flavors will elevate the dining experience and bring a smile to the faces of your loved ones.
  10. Relish the Culinary Bliss: Now that everything is prepared, gather around the table with your loved ones. The aroma of the Masoor Dal Khichdi and the accompanying side dish fills the room with an inviting atmosphere. Spoon the khichdi onto your plate, savoring each mouthful with gratitude and love. Notice how the flavors meld together—the earthiness of the lentils, the delicate spice blend, and the comforting warmth that permeates every bite.
  11. Nourishment for Body and Soul: As you enjoy the Masoor Dal Khichdi, remember the wholesome nourishment it provides. The protein-rich lentils and energizing carbohydrates from the rice create a balanced meal that satisfies both hunger and soul. Allow the warmth of the dish to embrace you, providing comfort and contentment with each bite.
  12. Happy Hearts and Satisfied Souls: With each empty plate, you witness the happiness and satisfaction on the faces of your loved ones. The Masoor Dal Khichdi has brought everyone together, creating a moment of joy and connection. As you bask in the delight of a shared meal, remember the love and effort that went into preparing this comforting dish.


Preparing Masoor Dal Khichdi is more than just cooking—it’s a labor of love, a soulful experience that nourishes both the body and the spirit. This recipe combines humble ingredients and transforms them into a dish that brings joy and satisfaction. So, gather your loved ones, embrace the aroma, and let the Masoor Dal Khichdi weave its magic, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come. Enjoy this delightful journey of flavors, and may every bite be filled with love and happiness.

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