Tasty Brinjal Fry: Easy, Healthy, and Packed with Incredible Flavors!

Spicy and Delicious Brinjal Fry Recipe
Spicy and Delicious Brinjal Fry Recipe

How to Make Brinjal Fry with Dry Coconut and Chana Dal Masala – Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Low-Carb Recipe:

Brinjal, also known as eggplant or aubergine, is a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in many ways. One of my favorite ways to enjoy brinjal is to make a brinjal fry, a spicy and delicious side dish that goes well with rice, roti, or bread. Brinjal fry is easy to make and requires only a few ingredients, most of which you probably already have in your pantry. In this recipe, I will show you how to make brinjal fry with a dry coconut and chana dal masala, which adds a nice crunch and flavor to the dish. This recipe is vegan, gluten-free, and low-carb, and can be easily customized to your taste preferences.

Benefits of Brinjal:

Before we dive into the recipe, let’s talk about the health perks of brinjals. They are low in calories and high in dietary fiber, making them great for weight management. Brinjals are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which promote heart health and support your immune system. Plus, they have anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being.


  • 1 tbsp dry coconut powder/ dessicated powder
  • 1 tbsp chana dal (split chickpeas)
  • 1 tbsp chili powder (adjust to your spice level)
  • 10 garlic pods (peeled and ready to go!)
  • 1 tsp butter (or your preferred cooking oil)
  • 1 small onion (finely chopped)
  • 3 green chilies (slit them open for some heat!)
  • 250 grams brinjal (eggplant, choose firm ones for the best texture)
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder (for that beautiful golden color)
  • Salt to taste (bring out the flavors!)
  • Fresh Coriander (chopped, for that herby goodness)


Step 1: Prepare the Spicy Masala

Grab your trusty mixer jar and toss in the dry coconut powder, chana dal, chili powder, and garlic pods. Now, blend them until they form a coarse and fragrant powder. You’ll be mesmerized by the aroma!

Step 2: Let the Cooking Begin!

Take a kadai (or any deep pan), and melt that luscious butter over medium heat. Alternatively, you can use your favorite cooking oil. Once it’s slightly hot, throw in the chopped onions and fry them until they become golden brown and irresistible.

Step 3: Brinjal Time

Now, it’s time to introduce the star of the show – the brinjal! Wash them thoroughly and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Add these gorgeous purple gems to the kadai along with turmeric powder and a pinch of salt. Give everything a good stir to coat the brinjal pieces with that lovely golden hue.

Step 4: Sauté and Cook

Let the brinjal dance in the kadai for a bit, sautéing them until they become tender and ooze out their natural flavors. Cover the kadai with a lid, which helps to trap the steam and cook the brinjal to perfection.

Step 5: Spice it Up!

Now, it’s time for the exciting part! Grab that spicy masala we prepared earlier and sprinkle it over the partially cooked brinjal. Mix it all in, ensuring every piece is coated in the tantalizing blend of flavors. Cover the kadai again, and let it all cook together for another 5 minutes or so. The brinjal will soak up all the delicious spices, making your kitchen smell like paradise.

Step 6: Final Flourish

Once the brinjal is tender, and the masala has worked its magic, turn off the heat. It’s time for the finishing touch! Sprinkle some freshly chopped coriander on top, adding that delightful herby freshness to the dish.

Voilà! Your Mouth-Watering Brinjal Fry is Ready!

Serve this scrumptious Brinjal Fry hot with some steaming rice or Indian bread like chapati or naan. The combination is simply heavenly! This dish will surely win hearts at your dining table and become a family favorite in no time.

Personal Tip:

Experiment with the spice levels to suit your taste. If you prefer it milder, reduce the chili powder and green chilies. For an extra kick, add a dash of garam masala or some crushed black pepper.

So there you have it, folks! A delectable Brinjal Fry recipe with a personal touch that’s both easy to make and bursting with flavor. Enjoy this delightful dish and relish all the health benefits brinjals have to offer. Happy cooking!

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