Savoring Slow: The Best Peas Pulao Recipe for Food Enthusiasts In 15 Minutes!

The Best Peas Pulao Recipe for Food Enthusiasts
The Best Peas Pulao Recipe for Food Enthusiasts

Cooking Comfort: Perfecting Peas Pulao, A Friend’s Delight!

Peas pulao, a treasured recipe that has made its way into my repertoire of favorite dishes, holds a special place in my heart. It was a culinary gem shared by a dear friend, someone who understood the value of a quick and flavorful meal. This cherished recipe came to me during a casual conversation, where my friend revealed that whenever hunger struck, and time was of the essence, he turned to this comforting delight. The beauty of this dish is its versatility—quickly achievable in a pressure cooker or savored through a more deliberate process in a wok.

In my cozy kitchen, where the comforting aroma of spices often lingers, I have chosen to embrace the slow-cooking method in a wok. With the current rhythm of life allowing for a bit more leisure in the kitchen, I find joy in dedicating a little extra time to prepare this delectable peas pulao. Rest assured, the process remains remarkably time-efficient, clocking in at a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes.

As a single woman who takes great pride in crafting her meals and is acutely mindful of the ingredients that grace her plate, this peas pulao has become a beloved companion on special occasions. Often, I pair it with succulent chicken, flavorful mutton, or paneer curry, adding a touch of richness to the meal. The peas pulao is also best enjoyed alongside a cool, creamy raita, creating a symphony of flavors and textures.

In my humble abode, weekends are a canvas for creating culinary memories. It’s when friends gather, laughter echoes, and we all delve into the pleasure of relishing this simple yet irresistible peas pulao. It embodies the spirit of good food, good company, and the sheer joy of a meal made with love, and that, to me, is the essence of delightful cooking. So, join me as we embark on the journey of preparing and savoring this delightful peas pulao, a recipe that encapsulates the beauty of simplicity and the warmth of shared moments.


  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1/2 tbsp shah jeera
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 5 cloves
  • 1 black cardamom and 2 green cardamoms
  • 1 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1 cup fresh peas
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala
  • 2 cups rice
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 green chilies, chopped
  • 2 tbsp fried onions
  • Fresh coriander for garnish


1. Preparing the Spice Mix:

  • Take a kadai and melt 2 tbsp of butter over medium heat. Once slightly hot, add chopped onions and sauté until golden brown.
  • Add shah jeera, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, black and green cardamom, and bay leaves to the sautéed onions. Stir well, allowing the spices to release their flavors.
  • Stir in the ginger-garlic paste and cook until the raw aroma dissipates.

2. Adding Peas and Rice:

  • Add the fresh peas to the mixture and season with salt and garam masala. Stir to combine, allowing the peas to absorb the spices.
  • Now, add the rice to the mixture and gently toss until the rice is well-coated with the spices and peas.

3. Cooking the Pulao:

  • Pour in the water and mix everything well. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil.
  • Reduce the heat to low, cover the kadai, and let it simmer until the rice is cooked and the water is absorbed. This typically takes about 15-20 minutes.

4. Final Touch:

  • Once the rice is cooked, add the chopped green chilies and fried onions. Gently mix them into the pulao for an added burst of flavors.
  • Dish out the flavorful peas pulao onto a serving plate and garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

5. Serving and Enjoying:

  • Serve this aromatic peas pulao hot, accompanied by your favorite curry or a side of cooling curd raita. The blend of spices and the sweetness of the peas make it a delightful meal that’s sure to please your taste buds.


In the heart of every kitchen lies a tale, a story spun with the flavors, aromas, and memories of the meals we create. For me, the peas pulao recipe shared by a dear friend encapsulates this sentiment. It’s a reminder that in the hustle of life, one can find solace and joy in the art of cooking, especially when done with a caring touch and a sprinkle of passion.

As we bring this culinary journey to a close, I invite you to embrace the essence of this recipe, adapt it to your own style, and infuse it with your unique story. Whether in a pressure cooker for a quick fix or in a wok for a more leisurely affair, the peas pulao remains a versatile delight, ready to gratify your taste buds and satiate your hunger.

In the company of friends or in the comforting quietude of solitude, this peas pulao offers a canvas for countless cherished moments. It’s a dish that embodies love, creativity, and the joy of sharing good food. So, gather your loved ones, allow the fragrance of spices to dance through your kitchen, and let the magic of this peas pulao recipe enrich your culinary repertoire. May your every meal be a celebration, and may your kitchen always be brimming with love and delectable aromas. Bon appétit!

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