Yummy Keema Capsicum: A Flavorful Symphony of Love and Spice!!!

Spicy Keema Capsicum
Spicy Keema Capsicum

Spicy Keema Capsicum: A Flavorful Delight for Your Palate:

Get ready to indulge in a culinary masterpiece that combines the tender embrace of minced meat with the vibrant crunch of capsicum. Keema Capsicum is not just a dish; it’s a celebration of flavors, love, and the joy of sharing a delicious meal with your loved ones. In this detailed recipe guide, I’ll take you through the step-by-step process of creating this delectable dish, while adding personal anecdotes and a touch of love that will make it truly special.


To prepare Keema Capsicum, gather the following ingredients, which are the key to creating a delightful culinary symphony:

  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 green chilies, chopped
  • 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1/2 kg keema (minced meat)
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • Salt, to taste
  • 3 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1/4 kg capsicum (bell pepper)
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • Fresh coriander, for garnishing


Step 1: Infusing Love in the Pan

  • Take a kadai (a deep cooking pan) and melt the butter in it. As the butter sizzles, let its warmth fill your heart with love.
  • Once the butter is slightly hot, add the chopped onions and green chilies to the pan. As they dance and sizzle, imagine the laughter and warmth that family gatherings bring.
  • Now, it’s time to add the ginger garlic paste. The familiar aroma will transport you back to moments spent in the company of loved ones, sharing stories and laughter around the dinner table.

Step 2: The Melody of Keema

  • Add the keema to the pan and mix it gently with the sautéed onions, chilies, and ginger garlic paste. As the ingredients come together, they create a harmonious melody that sets the stage for a flavorful dish.
  • Sprinkle the chili powder, turmeric powder, and salt over the keema mixture. Let the spices embrace the meat with their warmth and flavor, reminiscent of the comfort and love found in homemade meals.
  • Close the lid and allow the keema to cook over low heat. Stir occasionally, infusing it with your care and attention. This slow cooking process ensures that every bite is tender and full of love.

Step 3: The Love Story Unfolds

  • As the keema cooks, add the chopped tomatoes to the pan. Stir them gently, as if unraveling the chapters of a beautiful love story. The tomatoes add a touch of tanginess and freshness to the dish.
  • Cover the pan and let the mixture cook until the tomatoes soften and release their juices. This is when the flavors truly intertwine, creating a symphony of tastes that will melt your heart.
  • When you see the oil gently separating from the mixture, it’s time to invite the capsicum to the love affair. Add the capsicum and sprinkle the garam masala, ensuring every piece is coated with the aromatic blend of spices.
  • Mix it all together, allowing the capsicum to join the melody of flavors. Cover the pan and let it cook for another 5 minutes, allowing the capsicum to retain its vibrant color and slight crunch.

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